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Change log entry 47438
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-24 18:27:01 GMT)
Comment: #5th batch of variants as suggested by《第一批异形词整理表》(http://baike.baidu.com/view/763084.htm), where the variant compounds don't include variant characters we already list in CEDICT.

二黄—二簧 èrhuánɡ

繁衍—蕃衍 fányǎn
吩咐—分付 fēnfù
风瘫—疯瘫 fēnɡtān
锋芒—锋铓 fēnɡmánɡ
服侍—伏侍、服事 fúshi
服输—伏输 fúshū
服罪—伏罪 fúzuì
附会—傅会 fùhuì
- 二簧 二簧 [er4 huang2] /one of the two chief types of music in Chinese opera/Peking opera/also written 二黃|二黄[er4 huang2]/see also 西皮[xi1 pi2]/
+ 二簧 二簧 [er4 huang2] /variant of 二黃|二黄[er4 huang2]/
- 蕃衍 蕃衍 [fan2 yan3] /to multiply/to reproduce/to increase gradually in number or quantity/
+ 蕃衍 蕃衍 [fan2 yan3] /variant of 繁衍[fan2 yan3]/
- 分付 分付 [fen1 fu4] /(coll.) to order/instruct/
+ 分付 分付 [fen1 fu4] /variant of 吩咐[fen1 fu4]/
- 瘋癱 疯瘫 [feng1 tan1] /paralysis/also 癱瘓|瘫痪[tan1 huan4]/
+ 瘋癱 疯瘫 [feng1 tan1] /variant of 風癱|风瘫[feng1 tan1]/
+ 鋒鋩 锋铓 [feng1 mang2] /variant of 鋒芒|锋芒[feng1 mang2]/
- 服事 服事 [fu2 shi4] /to serve (a ruler)/to assume an official position/to do hard labor/to attend to or wait upon (see 服侍[fu2 shi5], also written 伏侍)/
+ 服事 服事 [fu2 shi5] /variant of 服侍[fu2 shi5]/
- 伏侍 伏侍 [fu2 shi5] /to attend to/to care for (patients etc)/to look after/to wait upon/to serve/also written 服侍, see also 服事[fu2 shi4]/
+ 伏侍 伏侍 [fu2 shi5] /variant of 服侍[fu2 shi5]/
- 伏輸 伏输 [fu2 shu1] /to concede/to admit defeat/also written 服輸|服输/
+ 伏輸 伏输 [fu2 shu1] /variant of 服輸|服输[fu2 shu1]/
- 伏罪 伏罪 [fu2 zui4] /to admit guilt/to plead guilty/
+ 伏罪 伏罪 [fu2 zui4] /variant of 服罪[fu2 zui4]/
+ 傅會 傅会 [fu4 hui4] /variant of 附會|附会[fu4 hui4]/
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