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Change log entry 47424
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-23 07:55:40 GMT)
Comment: #4th batch of variants as suggested by《第一批异形词整理表》(http://baike.baidu.com/view/763084.htm), where the variant compounds don't include variant characters we already list in CEDICT.

凋落—雕落 diāoluò
凋谢—雕谢 diāoxiè
跌宕—跌荡 diēdànɡ
喋血—蹀血 diéxuè
订单—定单 dìnɡdān ⑤
订户—定户 dìnɡhù
订婚—定婚 dìnɡhūn
订货—定货 dìnɡhuò
订阅—定阅 dìnɡyuè
端午—端五 duānwǔ
+ 雕落 雕落 [diao1 luo4] /variant of 凋落[diao1 luo4]/
# we currently don't have 凋落 in C yet, but I've already submitted an entry to the queue
+ 雕謝 雕谢 [diao1 xie4] /variant of 凋謝|凋谢[diao1 xie4]/
- 跌蕩 跌荡 [die1 dang4] /uninhibited/free and unconstrained/rhythmical/
+ 跌蕩 跌荡 [die1 dang4] /variant of 跌宕[die1 dang4]/
+ 蹀血 蹀血 [die2 xue4] /variant of 喋血[die2 xue4]/
+ 丁寧 丁宁 [ding1 ning2] /variant of 叮嚀|叮咛[ding1 ning2]/
- 定單 定单 [ding4 dan1] /order form for goods/
+ 定單 定单 [ding4 dan1] /variant of 訂單|订单[ding4 dan1]/
+ 定戶 定户 [ding4 hu4] /variant of 訂戶|订户[ding4 hu4]/
- 定婚 定婚 [ding4 hun1] /to be betrothed/to get engaged/
+ 定婚 定婚 [ding4 hun1] /variant of 訂婚|订婚[ding4 hun1]/
- 定貨 定货 [ding4 huo4] /to order goods/to place an order for materials/
+ 定貨 定货 [ding4 huo4] /variant of 訂貨|订货[ding4 huo4]/
- 定閱 定阅 [ding4 yue4] /to subscribe to a periodical or newspaper/
+ 定閱 定阅 [ding4 yue4] /variant of 訂閱|订阅[ding4 yue4]/
+ 端五 端五 [Duan1 wu3] /variant of 端午[Duan1 wu3]/
By MDBG 2024
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