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Change log entry 47423
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-23 07:22:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46325 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
#3rd batch of variants as suggested by《第一批异形词整理表》(http://baike.baidu.com/view/763084.htm), where the variant compounds don't include variant characters we already list in CEDICT.

搭档—搭当、搭挡 dādànɡ
搭讪—搭赸、答讪 dāshàn
戴孝—带孝 dàixiào
担忧—耽忧 dānyōu
耽搁—担搁 dānɡe
淡泊—澹泊 dànbó
倒霉—倒楣 dǎoméi
凋敝—雕敝、雕弊 diāobì ④
凋零—雕零 diāolínɡ
+ 搭當 搭当 [da1 dang4] /variant of 搭檔|搭档[da1 dang4]/
+ 搭擋 搭挡 [da1 dang4] /variant of 搭檔|搭档[da1 dang4]/
+ 答訕 答讪 [da1 shan4] /variant of 搭訕|搭讪[da1 shan4]/
+ 帶孝 带孝 [dai4 xiao4] /variant of 戴孝[dai4 xiao4]/
# we currently don't have 戴孝 in C yet, but I've already submitted an entry to the queue
+ 耽憂 耽忧 [dan1 you1] /variant of 擔憂|担忧[dan1 you1]/
+ 擔擱 担搁 [dan1 ge5] /variant of 耽擱|耽搁[dan1 ge5]/
+ 澹泊 澹泊 [dan4 bo2] /variant of 淡泊[dan4 bo2]/
- 倒楣 倒楣 [dao3 mei2] /to be out of luck/
+ 倒楣 倒楣 [dao3 mei2] /variant of 倒霉[dao3 mei2]/
+ 雕敝 雕敝 [diao1 bi4] /variant of 凋敝[diao1 bi4]/
+ 雕弊 雕弊 [diao1 bi4] /variant of 凋敝[diao1 bi4]/
+ 雕零 雕零 [diao1 ling2] /variant of 凋零[diao1 ling2]/
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