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Change log entry 47420
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-23 07:14:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46320 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
#2nd batch of variants as suggested by《第一批异形词整理表》(http://baike.baidu.com/view/763084.htm), where the variant compounds don't include variant characters we already list in CEDICT.

参与—参预 cānyù
惨淡—惨澹 cǎndàn
差池—差迟 chāchí
徜徉—倘佯 chánɡyánɡ
车厢—车箱 chēxiānɡ
澄澈—澄彻 chénɡchè
筹码—筹马 chóumǎ
踌躇—踌蹰 chóuchú
喘吁吁—喘嘘嘘 chuǎnxūxū
瓷器—磁器 cíqì
粗鲁—粗卤 cūlǔ
+ 參預 参预 [can1 yu4] /variant of 參與|参与[can1 yu4]/
+ 慘澹 惨澹 [can3 dan4] /variant of 慘淡|惨淡[can3 dan4]/
+ 差遲 差迟 [cha1 chi2] /variant of 差池[cha1 chi2]/
# we currently don't have 差池 in C yet, but I've already submitted an entry to the queue
+ 倘佯 倘佯 [chang2 yang2] /variant of 徜徉[chang2 yang2]/
+ 車箱 车箱 [che1 xiang1] /variant of 車廂|车厢[che1 xiang1]/
+ 澄徹 澄彻 [cheng2 che4] /variant of 澄澈[cheng2 che4]/
# we currently don't have 澄澈 in C yet, but I've already submitted an entry to the queue
+ 籌馬 筹马 [chou2 ma3] /variant of 籌碼|筹码[chou2 ma3]/
+ 躊躕 踌蹰 [chou2 chu2] /variant of 躊躇|踌躇[chou2 chu2]/
+ 喘噓噓 喘嘘嘘 [chuan3 xu1 xu1] /variant of 喘吁吁[chuan3 xu1 xu1]/
+ 磁器 磁器 [ci2 qi4] /variant of 瓷器[ci2 qi4]/
+ 粗鹵 粗卤 [cu1 lu3] /variant of 粗魯|粗鲁[cu1 lu3]/
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