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Change log entry 47330
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-17 18:32:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46338 >>
Changed "to a unappreciative..." to "to an unappreciative"
- 對牛彈琴 对牛弹琴 [dui4 niu2 tan2 qin2] /to play the lute to a cow (idiom); fig. offering a treat to a unappreciative audience/to cast pearls before swine/caviar to the general/to preach to deaf ears/to talk over sb's head/
# + 對牛彈琴 对牛弹琴 [dui4 niu2 tan2 qin2] /to play the lute to a cow (idiom); fig. offering a treat to an unappreciative audience/to cast pearls before swine/caviar to the general/to preach to deaf ears/to talk over sb's head/
+ 對牛彈琴 对牛弹琴 [dui4 niu2 tan2 qin2] /lit. to play the lute to a cow (idiom)/fig. offering a treat to an unappreciative audience/to cast pearls before swine/caviar to the general/to preach to deaf ears/to talk over sb's head/
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