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Change log entry 47276
Processed by: richwarm (2013-04-13 10:45:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46272 - submitted by 'chowdit1' >>

Editor: Seems that it more commonly means pirating ~
illegal copying of video tapes was also very common

Then there is the problem of pirating, not to mention the unreachable standards set by Hollywood's newest technology and special effects.

as Haishan was the biggest and best-selling record company, it was naturally the most widely pirated.

But it can also mean "bootlegging" ~
During the PW's run at Beijing's Chang An Grand Theater, theater workers caught at least four people per show trying to tape the performance without permission.
# 盜錄 盗录 [Dào lù] /Bootleg/Bootlegging/
+ 盜錄 盗录 [dao4 lu4] /to pirate (an audio recording, movie etc)/to bootleg/
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