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Change log entry 46812
Processed by: ycandau (2013-03-24 17:50:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38170 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"heart is dead, no plans for anything new"?
Is that correct? Or helpful?
- 死心塌地 死心塌地 [si3 xin1 ta1 di4] /heart is dead, no plans for anything new (idiom); one's mind is firmly made up with no possibility of change/dead set on sth/unswerving/
# + 死心塌地 死心塌地 [si3 xin1 ta1 di4] /heart is dead, no plans for anything new (idiom); one's mind is firmly made up with no possibility of change/dead set on sth/unswerving/
+ 死心塌地 死心塌地 [si3 xin1 ta1 di4] /to be hell-bent on/dead set on sth/unswerving/
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