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Change log entry 46799
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-24 07:27:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45876 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add international spelling and informal names.

Editor: In CEDICT we use American English as standard spelling form etc, and this is a Chinese-English dictionary not the other way around, so adding all these English synonyms just clutters the definition.
# - 睡衣 睡衣 [shui4 yi1] /night clothes/pajamas/
# + 睡衣 睡衣 [shui4 yi1] /night clothes/pajamas/pyjamas/(informal) jammies/(informal) pj's
# - 睡衣褲 睡衣裤 [shui4 yi1 ku4] /pajamas/
# + 睡衣褲 睡衣裤 [shui4 yi1 ku4] /pajamas/pyjamas/(informal) jammies/(informal) pj's
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