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Change log entry 46333
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-03-01 20:00:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45211 - submitted by 'chowdit1' >>
Hint: Try looking up "Pocket Monsters" in Chinese.

Editor: GF: 神话传说中的奇特野兽;泛指奇形怪状的野兽。
see also J
- 怪獸 怪兽 [guai4 shou4] /rare animal/mythical animal/
# + 怪兽 怪兽 [guai4 shou4] /Monsters/fictional animals/
+ 怪獸 怪兽 [guai4 shou4] /rare animal/mythical animal/monster/
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