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Change log entry 46198
Processed by: ycandau (2013-02-21 13:32:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44978 - submitted by 'faguo' >>
How could you still be puzzled! When will you be totally enlightened?

1) it would go in another entry, not capitalized
2) useless, as will only appear in such expressions as 大彻大悟, 恍然大悟, limited numbers
# - 大悟 大悟 [Da4 wu4] /Dawu county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/
# + 大悟 大悟 [Da4 wu4] /Dawu county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/To understand fully, to achieve total enlightenment,/
By MDBG 2024
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