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Change log entry 45968
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-02-05 08:49:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43635 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Editor: there are various way of writing this idiom: 一口吃成个胖子,一口吃成胖子,一口吃个胖子, but the latter seems to give me most verbatim results on Google.

It's also in the Tw 教育部辭典: 一口吃個胖子: (諺語)比喻急求成功。如:「做學問必須腳踏實地,務求融會貫通,不可囫圇吞棗,妄想一口吃個胖子。」

~ some more examples:


Conversely, 一口吃不成胖子 also seems to be used frequently, so I'll add it too.
# 一口吃成個胖子 一口吃成个胖子 [yi1 kou3 chi1 cheng2 ge4 pang4 zi5] /to get what you aim to with little effort or in a short time (lit. to get fat with one mouthful)/
+ 一口吃個胖子 一口吃个胖子 [yi1 kou3 chi1 ge5 pang4 zi5] /lit. to want to get fat with only one mouthful (proverb)/fig. to try to achieve one's goal in the shortest time possible/to be impatient for success/
# Editor adding:
+ 一口吃不成胖子 一口吃不成胖子 [yi1 kou3 chi1 bu4 cheng2 pang4 zi5] /lit. you cannot get fat with only one mouthful (proverb)/fig. learn to walk before you run/
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