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Change log entry 45565
Processed by: vermillon (2013-01-10 10:52:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44509 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
詧雅县 ~ 6,790 verb. hits
察雅县 ~ 2,570,000 verb. hits
- 詧雅縣 詧雅县 [Cha2 ya3 xian4] /variant of 察雅縣|察雅县[Cha2 ya3 xian4], Zhag'yab county, Tibetan: Brag g-yab rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/
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