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Change log entry 45475
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-07 17:11:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44440 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>


Z: 树长得再高,落叶还是要回到树根。比喻离开故土时间再长,最后还是要回归故土。

M has 樹高千丈,落葉歸根
# 樹高千丈葉落歸根 树高千丈叶落归根 [shu4 gao1 qian1 zhang4 ye4 luo4 gui1 gen1] /a tree may grow a thousand zhang high, but its leaves fall back to the roots-a person residing away from home eventually returns to his native soil/
+ 樹高千丈,葉落歸根 树高千丈,叶落归根 [shu4 gao1 qian1 zhang4 , ye4 luo4 gui1 gen1] /fig. a tree may grow a thousand zhang high, but its leaves return to their roots (proverb)/fig. everything has its ancestral home/in old age, an expatriate returns home/
# # 落葉歸根 落叶归根 [luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1] /lit. a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom)/fig. all things go back to their source eventually/in old age, an expatriate returns home/
# Editor adding:
+ 樹高千丈,落葉歸根 树高千丈,落叶归根 [shu4 gao1 qian1 zhang4 , luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1] /see 樹高千丈,葉落歸根|树高千丈,叶落归根[shu4 gao1 qian1 zhang4 , ye4 luo4 gui1 gen1]/
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