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Change log entry 45407
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-05 19:59:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42394 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
not "to be alert FOR"

"to be on the alert/to stand guard"
Z, N 警惕防备
M 警備防守

"to stand guard/sentinel"
Z 部队为防止敌人突然袭击、敌方侦察员的潜入等而高度警备
Z 犹警卫。戒备以防意外的人 [outpost]
M 為防止敵人間諜、觀測、滲透、破壞、騷擾、奇襲等威脅,俾獲致預警與戰備,以確保部隊的安全,稱為「警戒」
- 警戒 警戒 [jing3 jie4] /to warn/to be alert for/
+ 警戒 警戒 [jing3 jie4] /to warn/to be on the alert/to stand guard/sentinel/
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