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Change log entry 45381
Processed by: richwarm (2013-01-04 02:49:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44341 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
According to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences#Different_spellings_for_different_meanings , "disc" is only used in american English to refer to compact discs (CDs).


Editor: No, your Wikipedia reference doesn't say that. It starts off saying how things *used* to be:
"Traditionally, disc used to be British and disk American. ..."
... and the rest of the discussion is limited to how to spell the word in the context of electronics and computing only.

Nevertheless, what you claim is correct, according to Webster's definitions of "disc" and "disk".

In other words, "disk" is correct American spelling, except in limited cases, such as "compact disc", "(vinyl) disc" etc.

In the case of our entry
片 片 [pian1] /disc/sheet/
you could say it's not incorrect, since that character is used to refer to CDs etc as well as "disks".

N.B. If you are submitting for changes with a minus (-) line and a plus (+) line, please don't correct the spelling in the minus line -- only in the plus line. The minus line indicates the entry which is to be deleted!
# - 查克拉 查克拉 [Cha2 ke4 la1] /Chakra (name)/Chakra system of yogic meditation/Chakra (Sanskrit: disk), one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/
- 查克拉 查克拉 [Cha2 ke4 la1] /Chakra (name)/Chakra system of yogic meditation/Chakra (Sanskrit: disc), one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/
+ 查克拉 查克拉 [Cha2 ke4 la1] /Chakra (name)/Chakra system of yogic meditation/Chakra (Sanskrit: disk), one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/
# - 查克瑞 查克瑞 [cha2 ke4 rui4] /Chakra (Sanskrit: disk), one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/also written 查克拉[Cha2 ke4 la1]/
- 查克瑞 查克瑞 [cha2 ke4 rui4] /Chakra (Sanskrit: disc), one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/also written 查克拉[Cha2 ke4 la1]/
+ 查克瑞 查克瑞 [cha2 ke4 rui4] /Chakra (Sanskrit: disk), one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/also written 查克拉[Cha2 ke4 la1]/
# - 脈輪 脉轮 [mai4 lun2] /Chakra (Sanskrit: disk, circle, wheel)/one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/
- 脈輪 脉轮 [mai4 lun2] /Chakra (Sanskrit: disc, circle, wheel)/one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/
+ 脈輪 脉轮 [mai4 lun2] /Chakra (Sanskrit: disk, circle, wheel)/one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/
# - 片 片 [pian1] /disk/sheet/
- 片 片 [pian1] /disc/sheet/
+ 片 片 [pian1] /disk/sheet/
# - 研磨盤 研磨盘 [yan2 mo2 pan2] /abrasive disk/sanding disk/
- 研磨盤 研磨盘 [yan2 mo2 pan2] /abrasive disc/sanding disc/
+ 研磨盤 研磨盘 [yan2 mo2 pan2] /abrasive disk/sanding disk/
# - 腰椎間盤突出 腰椎间盘突出 [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1] /slipped disk/vertebral herniation/prolapsed disk/
- 腰椎間盤突出 腰椎间盘突出 [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1] /slipped disc/vertebral herniation/prolapsed disc/
+ 腰椎間盤突出 腰椎间盘突出 [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1] /slipped disk/vertebral herniation/prolapsed disk/
# - 腰椎間盤突出症 腰椎间盘突出症 [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1 zheng4] /herniated lumbar disk/
- 腰椎間盤突出症 腰椎间盘突出症 [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1 zheng4] /herniated lumbar disc/
+ 腰椎間盤突出症 腰椎间盘突出症 [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1 zheng4] /herniated lumbar disk/
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