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Change log entry 45379
Processed by: richwarm (2013-01-04 01:56:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44295 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: We'd prefer to have each of these in a separate submission, because
- it's hard to find a large enough block of time to devote to processing a whole batch
- one may be able to complete the checking of one or two entries, but still be unable to process, due to others pending
- comments on 5 submitted entries can become bigger than a screenful, making discussion difficult
- it's hard to follow the editors' discussion with 5 threads intermingling

1) 戀家
I think "homesick" is wrong, because there is no suggestion in 戀家 that one is absent from one's home for an extended period of time. And "domesticated" also has the wrong connotations, as it suggests that one is prepared to do one's share of the housework etc. I think that would be reading too much into 戀家. For further details, see editor discussion.

2) 戀慕
See examples quoted in editor discussion.

3) 戀念
The submitted def doesn't make it clear that the object of one's longing is typically a place.
"long for" could be interpreted as "to want (in the future)".

4) 戀戰
a) The phrase "out for sb's blood" perhaps came from the jukuu example?
But that phrase was intended to match 不顾了命 in the Chinese example sentence, not 不敢恋战.
不敢恋战 was left untranslated in the jukuu English rendering, but I would give the fairly literal translation "to lose one's nerve to zealously continue the fight"

b) "bellicose" is about demonstrating willingness to *take up* a fight, whereas 恋战 is used when one is already engaged in a fight, and is unwilling to withdraw[*] -- usually in a negative phrase that indicates that one *no longer* wishes to be engaged in the fight -- 無心恋战 means "no longer willing to continue the battle" -- not "no longer wishing to be bellicose"

[*] the Xinhua defs are
- 贪图获得战果,舍不得退出战斗
- 过久地和敌人厮杀而不愿撤离

Just as 恋栈 is "reluctant to give up a post" -- not "expressing a strong desire to take up a post",
so 恋战 is "engrossed in the battle" -- not "bellicose; demonstrating willingness to fight"

More details in the editor discussion.
+ 戀歌 恋歌 [lian4 ge1] /love song/
# 戀家 恋家 [lian4 jia1] /homesick/attached to family life/domesticated/
# ## http://jukuu.com/search.php?q=%E6%81%8B%E5%AE%B6
# 戀慕 恋慕 [lian4 mu4] /enamored/to desire/to love at a distance/
# ## http://jukuu.com/search.php?q=%E6%81%8B%E6%85%95
# 戀念 恋念 [lian4 nian4] /to long for/to think fondly of/
# ## think constantly of/remember fondly
# 戀戰 恋战 [lian4 zhan4] /bellicose/out for sb's blood/
# ## bellicose/warlike
# Editor:
+ 戀家 恋家 [lian4 jia1] /home-loving/to feel a strong attachment to home life/to begrudge being away from home/
+ 戀慕 恋慕 [lian4 mu4] /to be enamored of/to have tender feelings for/to be sentimentally attached to (a person or place)/
+ 戀念 恋念 [lian4 nian4] /to have a sentimental attachment to (a place)/to miss (one's ancestral home etc)/to be nostalgic about/
+ 戀戰 恋战 [lian4 zhan4] /to zealously continue fighting/
By MDBG 2024
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