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Change log entry 45377
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-04 00:28:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44335 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Replace colour by color; the latter is widely used in cc-cedict, while these two entries are the only ones where the former appears.
- 彩衣 彩衣 [cai3 yi1] /coloured clothes/motley attire/
+ 彩衣 彩衣 [cai3 yi1] /colored clothes/motley attire/
- 染 染 [ran3] /to dye/to catch (a disease)/to acquire (bad habits etc)/to contaminate/to add colour washes to a painting/
+ 染 染 [ran3] /to dye/to catch (a disease)/to acquire (bad habits etc)/to contaminate/to add color washes to a painting/
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