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Change log entry 45371
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-01-03 16:04:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44318 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add missing pinyins and traditional forms to conform to the standard linking format

Editor: thanks
- 略識之無 略识之无 [lu:e4 shi2 zhi1 wu2] /semi-literate/only knows words of one syllable/lit. to know only 之 and 无/
+ 略識之無 略识之无 [lu:e4 shi2 zhi1 wu2] /semi-literate/only knows words of one syllable/lit. to know only 之[zhi1] and 無|无[wu2]/
- 之 之 [zhi1] /(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的)/him/her/it/
+ 之 之 [zhi1] /(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de5])/him/her/it/
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