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Change log entry 45251
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-29 20:50:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44133 - submitted by 'miles' >>

Editor: Thanks for pointing that out. It's interesting. But I don't think it's the sort of thing we should add to the entry. By the way, I also see that Kaohsiung has now merged with the county of the same name to form a large "special municipality" that extends almost to the centre of the island.
# - 高雄市 高雄市 [Gao1 xiong2 shi4] /Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan/
# + 高雄市 高雄市 [Gao1 xiong2 shi4] /Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan (name derived from Japanese Taka-o, former name 打狗[da3 gou3])/
# - 高雄 高雄 [Gao1 xiong2] /Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan/
# + 高雄 高雄 [Gao1 xiong2] /Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan (name derived from Japanese Taka-o, former name 打狗[Da3 gou3])/
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