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Change log entry 45250
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-29 19:51:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44192 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>

Editor: ok, incremental changes, but I just added pinyin for the cross-ref to 書經 in the entry for 詩禮
# incremental changes: just fixing Liji here
# 禮記 礼记 [Li3 ji4] /Classic of Rites/
# Li2: not otherwise referenced
- 禮經 礼经 [li3 jing1] /Classic of Rites (same as 禮記|礼记)/
+ 禮經 礼经 [Li3 jing1] /Classic of Rites (same as 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4])/
- 詩禮 诗礼 [shi1 li3] /the Book of Songs 書經|书经 and Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记/a cultured well-read person/
# + 詩禮 诗礼 [shi1 li3] /the Book of Songs 書經|书经 and Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4]/a cultured well-read person/
+ 詩禮 诗礼 [shi1 li3] /the Book of Songs 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1] and Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4]/a cultured well-read person/
# Shi2 -- no other references
- 十三經 十三经 [shi2 san1 jing1] /the Thirteen Confucian Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经, Book of History 尚書|尚书, Rites of Zhou 周禮|周礼, Rites and Ceremonies 儀禮|仪礼, Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记, Book of Changes 周易, Mr Zuo's Annals 左傳|左传, Mr Gongyang's Annals 公羊傳|公羊传, Mr Gu Liang's Annals 谷梁傳|谷梁传, The Analects 論語|论语, Erya 爾雅|尔雅, Classic of Filial Piety 孝經|孝经, Mencius 孟子/
+ 十三經 十三经 [Shi2 san1 jing1] /the Thirteen Confucian Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经, Book of History 尚書|尚书, Rites of Zhou 周禮|周礼, Rites and Ceremonies 儀禮|仪礼, Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], Book of Changes 周易, Mr Zuo's Annals 左傳|左传, Mr Gongyang's Annals 公羊傳|公羊传, Mr Gu Liang's Annals 谷梁傳|谷梁传, The Analects 論語|论语, Erya 爾雅|尔雅, Classic of Filial Piety 孝經|孝经, Mencius 孟子/
- 五經 五经 [Wu3 jing1] /the Five Classics of Confucianism, namely: the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], the Book of History 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1], the Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 Ji4], the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], and the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]/
+ 五經 五经 [Wu3 jing1] /the Five Classics of Confucianism, namely: the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], the Book of History 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1], the Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], and the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]/
- 學然後知不足 学然后知不足 [xue2 ran2 hou4 zhi1 bu4 zu2] /to learn is to know one's ignorance (the Book of Rites 禮記|礼记)/
+ 學然後知不足 学然后知不足 [xue2 ran2 hou4 zhi1 bu4 zu2] /to learn is to know one's ignorance (the Book of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4])/
- 儀禮 仪礼 [yi2 li3] /Rites and Ceremonies, part of the Confucian Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记/
+ 儀禮 仪礼 [yi2 li3] /Rites and Ceremonies, part of the Confucian Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4]/
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