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Change log entry 45249
Processed by: richwarm (2012-12-29 19:37:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44189 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
- 七河州 七河州 [qi1 he2 zhou1] /Semirechye region of Kazakhstan, bordering Lake Balkash 巴爾喀什湖|巴尔喀什湖[Ba1 er3 ka1 shi2 hu2]/
# 七河州 七河州 [Qi1 he2 zhou1] /Semirechye region of Kazakhstan, bordering Lake Balkash 巴爾喀什湖|巴尔喀什湖[Ba1 er3 ka1 shi2 Hu2]/
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