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Change log entry 45143
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-26 10:54:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44087 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

TP ~ [...]「福爾摩沙」依然風姿綽約,但不知從何時起,美麗島嶼內部的上空開始飄浮起越來越多超乎理性、對立的偏見
["Although Taiwan accounts for only .025% of total global landmass, because of its geographic position and topography it accounts for 2.5% of all species on earth. Such a rich and beautiful place is a gift from God, and I have always felt it calling me back."]
So "Formosa" still has its charms. But for some time now the air over the "beautiful isle" itself has been filled with vehemently opposed prejudices that seem to defy rational debate.

Editor: thanks, Richard.
# 福摩薩 福摩萨 [Fu2 mo2 sa4] /Formosa/
+ 福爾摩沙 福尔摩沙 [Fu2 er3 mo2 sha1] /Formosa (Tw)/
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