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Change log entry 45081
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-12-21 11:35:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44014 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
He ignored all questions of personal gain or loss, honour or disgrace. He simply gave no thought to himself.

Let's march forward hand in hand in the face of the storm, and share honour and disgrace together.

The ever-changing Middle East has no patience with a journalist's personal honor or naivete. It needs us to be skillful and honest chroniclers.

for there is more at stake than the reputation of one man or troupe; CLT is also out to do Taiwan proud, and to present a traditional Chinese art to a larger audience.
+ 榮辱 荣辱 [rong2 ru3] /honor and disgrace/reputation/
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