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Change log entry 44762
Processed by: vermillon (2012-12-03 11:12:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43683 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
This caught my eye since both Aspirated and blowing off steam have mechanical connotations, while exhaling is more human.
Here's an example:
Inhale, the belly will be out to expand; exhale
from http://vbsystem.pixnet.net/blog/category/1004624
also 吐气 is often used with 吸气(CEDICT def:to inhale) meaning to inhale and exhale.
Finally, these dictionaries also agree with this definition:
- 吐氣 吐气 [tu3 qi4] /aspirated/to blow off steam/
# + 吐氣 吐气 [tu3 qi4] /aspirated/to blow off steam/to exhale/
+ 吐氣 吐气 [tu3 qi4] /to exhale/to blow off steam/(phonetics) aspirated/
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