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Change log entry 44522
Processed by: ycandau (2012-11-21 21:29:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39906 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Unlike a planetary alignment, the occasional occurrence of ying huo shou xin ("Mars meets up with the constellation Xin)
was considered a very inauspicious sign for the emperor. Ying huo was an ancient name for Mars, but the term also
meant "confusion and tumult." Mars was usually regarded as a harbinger of rebellion, lawlessness, disease, and death.

1. 惑乱;昏乱。
2. 犹叛乱。
3. 犹悖逆。
# 悖亂 悖乱 [bai4 luan4] /rebellion/sedition/
+ 悖亂 悖乱 [bei4 luan4] /to rebel/sedition/to delude/confused/
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