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Change log entry 43683
Processed by: ycandau (2012-09-16 17:26:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42390 - submitted by 'enickel' >>
I often see this word used to describe a 2-dimensional profile for extruded steel parts. For example, angle iron, I-beams, or other 'structural shapes' use the word 型材 when talking about their profile. (ref: http://baike.baidu.com/view/738159.htm). The baidu article gives the english definition as 'section bar' but in my experience 'extruded profile' is more commonly used among english speaking engineers.

Editor: you seem to say that 型材 means the "profile", the shape, while in fact it is the part itself, like "extruded profile"
# 型材 型材 [xing2 cai2] /profile/extruded profile/
+ 型材 型材 [xing2 cai2] /extruded profile/
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