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Change log entry 43500
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-09-07 09:57:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42386 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
MoE, N's CSCD, FLTRP, my paper dict
I know, Z and such accept encourage. But I want to be a bit prescriptive, and say that 勉力 is a false writing, even (especially) if found in old texts. In (modern) examples on J, there is no ambiguity.
- 勉力 勉力 [mian3 li4] /to strive/to make an effort/to exert oneself/to encourage/
+ 勉力 勉力 [mian3 li4] /to strive/to make an effort/to exert oneself/
# + 勉勵 勉励 [mian3 li4] /to encourage/
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