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Change log entry 43462
Processed by: richwarm (2012-09-04 23:31:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42335 - submitted by 'artsakenos' >>
Had a discussion together with Chinese mother tongue about this.
Found also in http://dict.cn/%E8%B5%B7%E6%9D%A5+
Also had confirmation from 新华词典.

Editor: You don't give details about the qualifications of the native informant in phonetics, or what s/he said; and dict.cn is not a convincing source.

Various sources say various things. The fact is, the pronunciation no doubt varies according to various factors such as the speaker, emphasis etc.

Learners expect and wish for things to be simple and unvarying -- always pronounced the same way. But language isn't like that.

I propose to alter the definitions in line with what the great linguist Yuen Ren Chao has in his "Mandarin Primer":
(1) qi3lai5 to rise; to get up (in the morning)
(2) -qi5lai5 (directional complement) up; to begin to

But that's not to say that you will never hear [qi3 lai2].
# - 起來 起来 [qi3 lai5] /to stand up/to get up/(after a verb) with an upward movement/
# + 起來 起来 [qi3 lai2] /to stand up/to get up/(after a verb) with an upward movement/
- 起來 起来 [qi3 lai5] /to stand up/to get up/(after a verb) with an upward movement/
+ 起來 起来 [qi3 lai5] /to stand up/to get up/
- 起來 起来 [qi5 lai5] /(after a verb, indicates beginning or completeness)/
+ 起來 起来 [qi5 lai5] /(after a verb) indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a state/indicating an upward movement (e.g. after 站[zhan4])/bringing things together (e.g. after 收拾[shou1 shi5])/(after a perception verb, e.g. 看[kan4]) expressing preliminary judgement/
# Note also, we have ~ 想起來 想起来 [xiang3 qi5 lai5] /to remember/to recall/
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