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Change log entry 43033
Processed by: richwarm (2012-08-13 04:01:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41989 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
When you get a ticket police 罚钱.


many examples all over the web, here is one:
->Toronto request the police to to impose fines to income generation is simply forced prostitution

Editor:You're best off learning how the individual characters work, rather than learning each word as something new ~
罚钱 = 罚 (to impose a penalty in the form of) + 钱 (money -- i.e. a fine)
罚跪 = 罚 (to impose a penalty in the form of) 跪 (kneeling)
罚站 = 罚 (to impose a penalty in the form of) + 站 (standing)
罚做苦工 = 罚 (to impose a penalty in the form of) + 做苦工 (doing hard labor)

... and there are more like these that you may not find in a dictionary, but if you know how 罚 works, they'll be pretty obvious, as 罚钱 is pretty obvious itself.
# 罰錢 罚钱 [fa2 qian2] /fine/penalized/amerce/to impose fines/
+ 罰錢 罚钱 [fa2 qian2] /to fine/
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