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Change log entry 42527
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-07-19 18:54:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41441 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 1 / 2
- 勒斯波斯島 勒斯波斯岛 [Le4 si1 bo1 si1 dao3] /Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean)/
+ 勒斯波斯島 勒斯波斯岛 [Le4 si1 bo1 si1 Dao3] /Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean)/
- 楞迦島 楞迦岛 [Leng2 jia1 dao3] /Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon)/
+ 楞迦島 楞迦岛 [Leng2 jia1 Dao3] /Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon)/
- 劉公島 刘公岛 [Liu2 gong1 dao3] /Liugong island in the Yellow sea/
+ 劉公島 刘公岛 [Liu2 gong1 Dao3] /Liugong island in the Yellow sea/
- 琉球海 琉球海 [Liu2 qiu2 hai3] /Ryūkyū sea/refers to the Ryūkyū Islands 琉球群島|琉球群岛[Liu2 qiu2 qun2 dao3] stretching from Japan to Taiwan/
+ 琉球海 琉球海 [Liu2 qiu2 Hai3] /Ryūkyū Sea/refers to the Ryūkyū Islands 琉球群島|琉球群岛[Liu2 qiu2 Qun2 dao3] stretching from Japan to Taiwan/
- 呂宋島 吕宋岛 [Lu:3 song4 dao3] /Luzon Island, north Philippines/
+ 呂宋島 吕宋岛 [Lu:3 song4 Dao3] /Luzon Island, north Philippines/
- 羅得斯島 罗得斯岛 [Luo2 de2 si1 dao3] /Rhodes, mediterranean island/
+ 羅得斯島 罗得斯岛 [Luo2 de2 si1 Dao3] /Rhodes, Mediterranean island/
- 馬達加斯加島 马达加斯加岛 [Ma3 da2 jia1 si1 jia1 dao3] /Madagascar/
+ 馬達加斯加島 马达加斯加岛 [Ma3 da2 jia1 si1 jia1 Dao3] /Madagascar/
- 馬恩島 马恩岛 [Ma3 en1 dao3] /Isle of Man, British Isles/Isle of Mann/
+ 馬恩島 马恩岛 [Ma3 en1 Dao3] /Isle of Man, British Isles/Isle of Mann/
- 馬祖列島 马祖列岛 [Ma3 zu3 lie4 dao3] /Matsu Islands/
+ 馬祖列島 马祖列岛 [Ma3 zu3 lie4 Dao3] /Matsu Islands/
- 曼島 曼岛 [Man4 dao3] /Isle of Man, British Isles (Taiwanese usage)/see also 馬恩島|马恩岛[Ma3 en1 dao3]/
+ 曼島 曼岛 [Man4 Dao3] /Isle of Man, British Isles (Taiwanese usage)/see also 馬恩島|马恩岛[Ma3 en1 Dao3]/
- 湄洲島 湄洲岛 [Mei2 zhou1 dao3] /Putian/
+ 湄洲島 湄洲岛 [Mei2 zhou1 Dao3] /Meizhou Island (Putian)/
- 棉蘭老島 棉兰老岛 [Mian2 lan2 lao3 dao3] /Mindanao (island in the Philippines)/
+ 棉蘭老島 棉兰老岛 [Mian2 lan2 lao3 Dao3] /Mindanao (island in the Philippines)/
- 魔鬼島 魔鬼岛 [Mo2 gui3 dao3] /Devil's Island, notorious French prison off the coast of French Guyana/
+ 魔鬼島 魔鬼岛 [Mo2 gui3 Dao3] /Devil's Island, notorious French prison off the coast of French Guyana/
- 南澳島 南澳岛 [Nan2 ao4 dao3] /Nan'ao Island in Shantou prefecture 汕頭|汕头, Guangdong province/
+ 南澳島 南澳岛 [Nan2 ao4 Dao3] /Nan'ao Island in Shantou prefecture 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2], Guangdong province/
- 諾福克島 诺福克岛 [Nuo4 fu2 ke4 dao3] /Norfolk Island/
+ 諾福克島 诺福克岛 [Nuo4 fu2 ke4 Dao3] /Norfolk Island/
- 彭湖島 彭湖岛 [Peng2 hu2 dao3] /Penghu island county of Taiwan, off the coast of Kaohsiung/
+ 彭湖島 彭湖岛 [Peng2 hu2 Dao3] /Penghu island county of Taiwan, off the coast of Kaohsiung/
- 澎湖島 澎湖岛 [Peng2 hu2 dao3] /Pescadores Islands, Penghu county, Taiwan/
+ 澎湖島 澎湖岛 [Peng2 hu2 Dao3] /Pescadores Islands, Penghu county, Taiwan/
- 澎湖列島 澎湖列岛 [Peng2 hu2 lie4 dao3] /Pescadores Islands, Taiwan/
+ 澎湖列島 澎湖列岛 [Peng2 hu2 Lie4 dao3] /Pescadores Islands, Taiwan/
- 平度 平度 [Ping2 du4] /Pingdu county level city in Qingdao 青島|青岛, Shandong/
+ 平度 平度 [Ping2 du4] /Pingdu county level city in Qingdao 青島|青岛[Qing1 dao3], Shandong/
- 平度市 平度市 [Ping2 du4 shi4] /Pingdu county level city in Qingdao 青島|青岛, Shandong/
+ 平度市 平度市 [Ping2 du4 Shi4] /Pingdu county level city in Qingdao 青島|青岛[Qing1 dao3], Shandong/
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