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Change log entry 42006
Processed by: ycandau (2012-06-29 18:33:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41032 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) 除了筆觸清雅動人的散文,張曉風也以桑科、可叵筆名寫辛辣雜文,臧否時事一針見血。
In addition to her refined prose, Chang also writes mordant social criticism under the pen names Sang Ke and Ke Po.

2) 不斷翻滾攪拌,才能製出讓飲者舌尖帶著清雅香味的花茶。
The mixture also needs to be turned continuously throughout the process in order to produce a full-flavored tea suitable for even the most discerning palate.

3) 空間裡,清雅悠揚的古琴曲以〈高山流水〉與窗外青山翠谷對答吟唱,一種中國文人放情山水的胸懷,令來人自然放下平日緊聳的雙肩。

4) 大陸淪陷後,更由吳稚暉的學生狄膺在台北復會,清雅文風延續至今。
After the war, it was Wu's student, Ti Ying, who reinstated the group in Taipei, where its tradition of refinement has continued until now.

5) 衣飾講究,正襟危坐地撥弦吹管,故鄉的南管樂聲一直清雅深遠地,伴著到東南亞打天下的閩南人走過悲歡歲月。
Nanguan musicians pay great attention to costume and jewellery, and always sit with correct deportment. The elegant and refined tones of nanguan have followed the Minnan people on their migrations throughout Southeast Asia, charting their experiences of weal and woe.
+ 清雅 清雅 [qing1 ya3] /refined/elegant/
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