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Change log entry 41983
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-06-26 20:43:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 40996 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
金降落伞:合同中规定的保证高层雇员因公司被收购而遭解职时可获得的一大笔钱的福利。 Golden parachute: Contractual benefits that assure a high-level employee of generous payments if a company is taken over and he or she is dismissed as a result.

电视新闻和工会在无线电台所购买的时段提出了这个问题:老板们离职时有黄金降落伞滥发大笔离职金。为什么不应该要求他们在解雇一般工人之前预先警告呢? As television newscasts and A.F.L.-C.I.O. radio spots present the issue, why shouldn't bosses with their " golden parachutes" of lavish severance pay be required to give average working stiffs some warning of layoffs?



Editor: fine, then we don't add this entry.
# 金色降落傘 金色降落伞 [jin1 se4 jiang4 luo4 san3] /(business) golden parachute/also written 金降落傘|金降落伞[jin1 jiang4 luo4 san3]/
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