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Change log entry 41933
Processed by: richwarm (2012-06-21 20:57:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 40933 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
Maybe shouldn't have processed. I found several Chinese people saying xiang4.
Also this one: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_603136e20100g842.html

So, how do we deal with this? This "should" be 1st, but everyone says 4th. I would personally prefer 4th, as I prefer being understood by people rather than not, and sounding pedantic teaching them their own language's pronunciation.
- 相撲 相扑 [xiang1 pu1] /sumo wrestling/
# ???+ 相撲 相扑 [xiang4 pu1] /sumo wrestling/
+ 相撲 相扑 [xiang1 pu1] /sumo wrestling/also pr. [xiang4 pu1]/
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