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Change log entry 40798
Processed by: richwarm (2012-04-10 22:17:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39830 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
To beat the price is a litteral translation. To bargain is more natural

1) The definition says "to beat down the price", not "to beat the price".

2) 杀价 is more aggressive than just "to bargain" (which would better match a word like 讲价),
so "to beat the price down" is actually pretty good, I'd say.
Certainly, it is consistent with other dictionary definitions like
"beat a seller down" (ABC)
"force down the price" (New Century)
I will add "to haggle" because in some contexts it does indeed work better to have a simpler expression.
e.g. TAOBAO上可以杀价吗?一般可以杀多少?

3) 杀价 has another sense: to reduce one's own price in order to be competitive with other businesses
(i.e. "to slash one's prices").
Neither "to beat down the price" nor "to bargain" makes sense in examples such as the following ~

If one of these cash-and-carry chain-stores started cutting prices below cost, it'd be hard luck for you.

All the manufacturers gritted their teeth and began cutting prices to promote sales,
just to keep their plants running at full capacity.
- 殺價 杀价 [sha1 jia4] /to beat down the price/
# + 殺價 杀价 [sha1 jia4] /to bargain/
+ 殺價 杀价 [sha1 jia4] /to beat down the price/to haggle/to slash one's prices/
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