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Change log entry 40761
Processed by: ycandau (2012-04-07 11:32:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39785 - submitted by 'enickel' >>

Note: I'm unsure about the tone on 杆. It could be 1st or 3rd.

Editor: always be suspicious of English words used on Chinese
sites. If as a native speaker you know them to be correct state so.
"Worm gear pair", although correct, seems to be suspiciously rare
on English pages and suspiciously frequent on Chinese pages. So
the def certainly can take several equivalents to make sure we are
talking about the same thing.
It's gan3.
# 蝸桿副 蜗杆副 [wo1 gan3 fu4] /Worm gear pair/
+ 蝸桿副 蜗杆副 [wo1 gan3 fu4] /worm-gear pair/worm drive/worm and worm gear/
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