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Change log entry 40551
Processed by: richwarm (2012-03-19 21:11:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39552 - submitted by 'slacka' >>
A slash should separate definitions. Also makes it easier to search since many
dictionaries ignore the words in ().

Editor: Sounds like you are using CEDICT as an English-Chinese dictionary. It is designed to be
used as a Chinese-English dictionary.

"(Chinese New Year)" is intended as an explanation of the definition, to make it clearer, rather
than a separate sense. This sort of use of parenthesis is used extensively in CEDICT.

If you choose software that doesn't take account of CEDICT's format, naturally it won't give you
the best results.
# - 春節 春节 [Chun1 jie2] /Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)/
# + 春節 春节 [Chun1 jie2] /Spring Festival/Chinese New Year/
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