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Change log entry 40357
Processed by: richwarm (2012-02-28 23:35:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38148 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Pinyin ~ shi4 --> Shi4

Author ~ Wp: "There is controversy whether this dictionary's author was Liú Xī (劉熙/刘熙; Liu Hsi; who flourished
around 200 CE) or the more-famous Liú Zhēn (劉珍; Liu Chen; who died in 126 CE)."

English title ~ there doesn't seem to be an accepted English translation of the title, and "Explain Words" doesn't
seem very good -- "Explanation of Words" might be a little better. The Wp article title is "Shiming"

Etymological? -- I think it can be better characterized by its use of punning definitions, rather than by the word
"etymological", judging from the Wp entry.

- 劉熙 刘熙 [Liu2 Xi1] /Liu Xi (late Han, fl. 180), author of etymological dictionary 釋名|释名/
# 1) Who would know that "fl." means "flourished"?
# 2) I don't think the dictionary should be characterized as "etymological"
# 3) There is controversy about the authorship of the dictionary, according to Wp @ "Shiming"
+ 劉熙 刘熙 [Liu2 Xi1] /Liu Xi (late Han, c. 200 AD), possibly the author of 釋名|释名[Shi4 ming2]/
- 釋名 释名 [shi4 ming2] /late Han etymological dictionary "Explain Words" by 劉熙|刘熙, 27 chapters in 8 scrolls, 1502 entries/
+ 釋名 释名 [Shi4 ming2] /"Shiming", late Han dictionary, containing 1502 entries, using puns on the pronunciation of headwords to explain their meaning/
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