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Change log entry 40356
Processed by: richwarm (2012-02-28 22:10:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38983 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
Editor: Replacing my def with Yves, since he submitted first, and included an extra sense -- "restrain".
Also, this way, the verbs are grouped together, and the definition is more concise.
# - 收 收 [shou1] /to receive/to accept/to collect/in care of (used on address line after name)/
- 收 收 [shou1] /to receive/to accept/to collect/in care of (used on address line after name)/to bring to an end/to conclude/
+ 收 收 [shou1] /to receive/to accept/to collect/to restrain/to stop/in care of (used on address line after name)/
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