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Change log entry 40344
Processed by: richwarm (2012-02-27 21:17:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 39302 - submitted by 'fengli' >>
Im not sure of the history of this one, but does this definition mean to imply
literally "to write", or figuratively write? ie I am just
wondering if the usage of 開 is the same as in 開藥 which doesn't use "to

Editor: Whatever!
"to write an infringement notice"
"to issue an infringement notice"
"to give sb an infringement notice"
They all mean the same thing -- "to levy a fine, notifying the offender in writing"

Example -- "In Mississippi, an officer can't write a traffic citation unless he observes it."
This is not just about writing -- it's about registering an infringement and notifying the offender.

Similarly, 開藥 can be expressed as "to write out a prescription" or "to prescribe medicine" --
it amounts to the same thing in most cases.

I don't know what you mean by "not sure of the history of this one".
- 開罰單 开罚单 [kai1 fa2 dan1] /to write an infringement notice/
+ 開罰單 开罚单 [kai1 fa2 dan1] /to issue an infringement notice/
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