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Change log entry 40294
Processed by: richwarm (2012-02-22 22:47:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38861 - submitted by 'inductiveload' >>

Editor: This might be considered a construct 附带 + 损害 (incidental harm), or it might be conjectured that
it's the translation of an English term, rather than a real Chinese term. After all, your reference is to an E-C
dictionary, and moreover, the images there suggest that it's the Chinese title of the movie "Collateral
Damage", and "translations" of movie titles are unconvincing as evidence. It seems borderline, but I
decided to accept the submission in the end. Other editors are welcome to challenge this.

The old legal sense of "collateral damage" is scarcely acknowledged in the English Wp article on that
subject, and in some English dict defs also. But 附带损害 does appear to have both that old meaning, and
also the modern sense of "deaths, injuries, and damage to the property of people who are not in the
military that happens as a result of the fighting in a war".

Web examples ~
1) 原告之訴及附帶損害賠償之請求均駁回。

2) 此外,由于弹头轻,在飞越400m后大部份动能已经消耗了(比9mm短一半有多),所以万一打不中目

Word Origin & History - collateral damage
by 1873 in legal cases; in modern use, generally a euphemism for "the coincidental [sic] killing of
civilians," U.S. coinage, c.1968, at first generally with ref. to nuclear weapons.
---- Online Etymology Dictionary
# 附帶損害 附带损害 [fu4 dai4 sun3 hai4] /collateral damage/
+ 附帶損害 附带损害 [fu4 dai4 sun3 hai4] /collateral damage (both as a legal term, and as a military euphemism)/
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