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Change log entry 39456
Processed by: richwarm (2012-01-11 23:01:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38222 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
in the sense I am more familiar with, i.e. a wooden structure placed under goods

Editor: Well, I am very familiar with that sense, having once invested in a pallet-hire company
that managed to lose 15 million of them :-(

"In 2002, when Brambles was woefully underperforming, its management admitted the
European division of its CHEP subsidiary had somehow mislaid 15 million pallets.

''I don't think we have lost the pallets,'' the then chairman, Don Argus, told shareholders.
''They are just missing from the pool.''
# 貨盤 货盘 [huo4 pan1] /pallet/
+ 貨盤 货盘 [huo4 pan2] /pallet/
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