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Change log entry 39445
Processed by: richwarm (2012-01-11 21:34:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38232 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
not the ferry itself, but the place where it operates

Editor: Doubtless, this is yet another one from D, although Z also says simply "ferry".
Actually, it's not wrong, just ambiguous. It's sense #3 in Encarta's definition of "ferry" ~
1. boat making regular short crossing. Also called "ferryboat"
2. commercial transport service
3. place where ferry berths
4. right to operate ferry

By the way, Miles somehow missed the city of Dukou when he added all those Chinese placenames.
Z ~ [Dukou] 中国四川省新兴工矿城市,属省辖市。位于四川西南金沙江和雁砻江汇合处,邻近云南省。
成昆铁路穿过境内。面积 2645 平方公里,人口81.5万(1982)。
- 渡口 渡口 [du4 kou3] /ferry/
+ 渡口 渡口 [du4 kou3] /ferry crossing/
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