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Change log entry 39441
Processed by: richwarm (2012-01-11 20:16:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38214 - submitted by 'fengli' >>
I was again not sure if I should suggest this as my chinese is limited, however
I believe adding "morality" as a definition would likely be helpful.

I came across this word in the phrase "是非正義“, and was quite stuck trying
to understand what it meant to put "right and wrong"+"justice" together. I was
told that this phrase is best understood to mean "morality and justice".

Editor: We think you probably came across the phrase 是 + 非正義 ("is unjust")
rather than 是非 + 正義.
If not, please resubmit, quoting the phrase *in context*.

Example ~
Here, it's 是 + 非正義.
(two types of wars -- just wars and unjust wars)
# - 是非 是非 [shi4 fei1] /right and wrong/quarrel/
# + 是非 是非 [shi4 fei1] /right and wrong/quarrel/morality/
# Editor: modify def of 正義 ~
- 正義 正义 [zheng4 yi4] /justice/righteous/righteousness/
+ 正義 正义 [zheng4 yi4] /justice/righteousness/just/righteous/
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