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Change log entry 39351
Processed by: ycandau (2012-01-08 07:48:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36207 - submitted by 'jbradfor' >>


Editor: this term sounds like a faulty translation of the English, through a misinterpretation of "identity".
Notice the word is *not* used in the Wp article.
It is possible also that there is some degree of confusion with 解离性同一性障碍, dissociative identity disorder,
where the sense of identity is different.
# 性衕一性障礙 性同一性障碍 [xing4 tong2 yi1 xing4 zhang4 ai4] /Gender identity disorder/
# Editor: beware of the automatic jianti->fanti conversion!
+ 性同一性障礙 性同一性障碍 [xing4 tong2 yi1 xing4 zhang4 ai4] /gender identity disorder/
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