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Change log entry 38476
Processed by: richwarm (2011-11-28 19:23:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37112 - submitted by 'mmmoore' >>
From the news:

Maybe the "(is) XX (for)" structure is overdoing it.

Editor: It's about coincidence, but not necessarily a timely or fortunate coincidence ~
1) 春天分娩的母亲孕期的最后阶段适逢冬季,因此她摄入的维生素要比夏季时少。
That's more like "... *just at the time when* she is approaching the end of her pregnancy, she will consume fewer vitamins"
2) 美国大选在即,却适逢严重的金融危机,谁都不想接这个“烫手的山芋”。
# 適逢 适逢 [shi4 feng2] /(is) well timed (for)/(is) aptly timed (for)/timely/
+ 適逢 适逢 [shi4 feng2] /to just happen to coincide with/
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