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Change log entry 38474
Processed by: richwarm (2011-11-28 19:13:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37098 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Current entry is another one that matches D exactly :(

It's not specifically *feeding*, although that's a big part of
rearing, and there is no reason
to single out pigs and dogs (?)

M ~
1 飼養家畜
2 以利益引誘﹑收買他人
3 家畜

家畜 seems to be there because of 芻豢, but I think that it's
essentially "to rear" in that
compound as well -- "fodder-rearing (animals)" or "fodder

It just means "rear/raise" in 豢养 and 豢圉, I think, and these
seem to be pretty much the
only places where 豢 is used, apart from 芻豢.
- 豢 豢 [huan4] /feed pigs and dogs/to rear/
+ 豢 豢 [huan4] /to rear/to raise (animals)/
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