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Change log entry 38420
Processed by: ycandau (2011-11-24 22:05:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37310 - submitted by 'fengli' >>
I am not sure if this is appropriate to go into the dictionary. I first came across it in an MC
Hotdog song "我愛台妹“ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqmv50N1tOs

It is possible to argue that its not a word, but a shortening of 台灣妹妹, however it's
usage appears very common.

In my limited reading, its meaning appears to vary depending on the context and tone.
i.e. a patriotic way to refer to a girl from taiwan i.e. someone accusing a girl of dressing
and acting sleazy.

Not sure it should be in there, but want to know what you think. It would have helped me if
it was in the dictionary when I first found the word.


I am not sure the wikipedia article reflects common taiwan usage.

Editor: this is rejected on the basis of its being poor quality.
0) pinyin is wrong (on a basic character)
1) the def is non-sensical: "a cute but sexy taiwanese female" ?
2) I don't think you even begin to understand the overtones of 台妹. Try calling the next girl you meet 台妹, and *then* repeat three times the mantra: I won't use very colloquial words in a language I haven't even begun to understand.
(if the experience was unconvincing, try again with 大陆妹; and if you tell me this is a new one on you, living in Tw, then my advice is, learn Chinese first, tackle 台妹 second.)
2) 台妹 is linguistically transparent :"Tw sis". Farther than this, explaining exactly the use of the word might take about 10 printed pages. A dictionary cannot substitute for practice. 只可意會不可言傳. You must walk before you run.
3) despite the above, my fellow editors may want to submit a def for 台妹. And for 大陆妹. :-)
# rejected
# 台妹 台妹 [tai2 mei3] /A young taiwanese female; A cute but sexy taiwanese female/
By MDBG 2024
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