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Change log entry 38018
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-30 16:00:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36750 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
Hmm, not a very good definition I admit, but words don't come... It has 16 million results on google, so probably it deserves to enter the dictionary.
Also, I believe 富二代 shouldn't contain a mention of 穷二代, as it's clearly 穷二代 which has been created after to contrast with 富二代 and the original concept is clearly 富二代.
= 富二代 富二代 [fu4 er4 dai4] /children of entrepreneurs who became wealthy under Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in the 1980s/see also 窮二代|穷二代[qiong2 er4 dai4]/
= 窮二代 穷二代 [qiong2 er4 dai4] /those who did not benefit from the Chinese economic reforms of the 1980s/see also 富二代[fu4 er4 dai4]/
+ 官二代 官二代 [guan1 er4 dai4] /children of officials/word created by analogy with 富二代[fu4 er4 dai4]/
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