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Change log entry 37932
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-29 20:13:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35404 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Sentence: "她虎起了臉,推開他的手。", in: 张爱玲。秧歌, page 7.
In this sentence "虎起脸" has the meaning of "take a fierce look" which corresponds to the last of the definitions.
Reference: The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, FLTRP.

Editor: 虎 means "tiger", /brave/vigorous/ are just (evident) connotations. Is anyone so dense that he has to check a dict to get the meaning of "the Five Tiger Generals"?

虎臉 however is a specific expression, you are right to mention it
- 虎 虎 [hu3] /tiger/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/
+ 虎 虎 [hu3] /tiger/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/brave/vigorous/to look ferocious/
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