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Change log entry 37789
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-24 20:37:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36666 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
ex: 土不拉几,丑不拉几,黑不拉几…… similar to 到不行
Also with 叽 with about the same google count.
And I've asked native speakers for the tone of 几. However, not sure for the trad, and there are no results for site:tw.

Editor: one person says it's Beijing dialect, not sure. Unknown in Tw. Found with this trad, but again, unsure, it's spoken.
# 不拉幾 不拉几 [bu4 la1 ji1] /extremely/
+ 不拉幾 不拉几 [bu4 la1 ji1] /(dialect) extremely/
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